Matchmaker offers a free two-week trial membership, and you can get the trial extensive an additional week by posting a photo of yourself. After that era, a subscription must be purchased.
Members complete a questionnaire which consists of more than a few multiple-choice items as well as some essay questions where you can plug in more specific information about physically such as "What are your hobbies and interests?" or "What would you ideal first date be like?" When you search for a possible match, matches are ranked according to the proportion of identical responses you have to the responses in someone else's profile in the multiple-choice section of the questionnaire. You can also sort your match list by coldness from your zip code to the zip code of the matches.
Prior to the web, Matchmaker was operated as a franchised string of dating bulletin board system across the US, or roughly one per major US metro area. As such, the site still retains a number of features of that era, including a tighter-knit the public structure based on metro area rather than by zip code and geographic distance. is one of more than a few large sites that dominate the online dating
scene. has invested £3m in a United Kingdom offline publicity
campaign. in 2005 a lawsuit was made next to the website company because a plaintiff
Matthew Evans alleges that the website set a date for him to prevent him from
terminating his repair with the company ... the lawsuit alleges that the company
dishonored the swindler and corrupt organization act (rico) and other forms
of fraud and the rule suit is seeking class action status
eSpin is a spin the bottle-like dating service launched in 2001. Its sister
scheme is eCrush.
Spark Networks
Spark Networks, formerly known as Match Net, is the owner of numerous niche
online dating services such as
(for Jews),, etc. Spark's co-founders are Alon Carmel
and Joe Shapira (now Spark CEO). Match Net changed its name to flash on January
10, 2005. The network at present claims more than 10 million members.
A piece of writing in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz exposed that had been using images of porn stars in fake profiles, to draw customers to the site.